Pleasantdale 107 Believes Children Learn Best When...#5

Belief 5: Students have dynamic teachers who utilize various teaching styles and have fun learning together.  Staff serves as an advocate for ALL children.

Middle school should be fun for students and staff alike. When people enjoy what they are doing, they are much more willing to put the time and effort into it.  I love that this belief says, "fun learning together."  This continues the shift in education that I have been blogging about over the past few weeks. Teachers are no longer standing in front of the class giving out all of the information that students should know.  Teachers are setting up learning experiences for the kids that are open-ended and ripe for continuation and extension beyond what can be accomplished in class.  This can cause the student (and the teacher) to have to continue to their learning outside of the walls of the school.  And with the Internet and access to it, this is now a newer way people are learning about any topic of their choice.

There are various teaching styles that teachers employ depending on the learning goals of the day.  Whether the students are working in pairs, small groups, individually or creating with technology or posters or writing, different people learn in different ways and it is vital for teachers to utilize various teaching styles and methodologies to meet the unique needs of the learners.  I've seen singing and dancing, google slides, flip grid (videos), recitation of poetry, debate, problem solving, notes, schoology, observation, conversation and role play amongst the many different ways teachers are teaching and students are learning in our classrooms.

There are a few things that shine through each and every day that I spend here in Pleasantdale.  The best is that every staff member cares deeply about and is an advocate for every child that passes through our doors. This climate of caring is evident by the number of graduates that come back and visit the teachers and staff.  I know it is school, but many of our students love coming to school and know that they have a trusted adult who is an advocate for them!


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